Salveo Pharma is a Dutch producer and distributor of over-the-counter homeopathic medicine for various ailments. Often meant for dealing with a sore throat, a dry or runny nose and other flu-related misery. Since the flu season is their peak sales period every year, Salveo Pharma decided to launch a website on which Dutch citizens were able to check the risk of being infected with the flu in their area. Anyone visiting was then promptly made aware of Salveo Pharma's products and their ability to get you through the flu season fairly unscathed.
After Salveo Pharma found Dutch radio host Anton Griep (Anton Flu, ba-dum-tss) willing and able to star in their awareness campaign I hit the ground running to edit a TV commercial and several social videos. The goal was to warn people the flu season was just around the corner, and to make them aware of the useful Griepalert website.
On Instagram and Facebook we targeted people with videos corresponding to the current risk of flu exposure in their general vicinity. They were presented an ad for code red if there was a high risk of infection, code orange for an average risk, and code green if their area was deemed safe. We presented this in an informative and entertaining way with a distinct social feel, embracing quick edits and over the top acting on Anton's part. Steering far away from pointing fingers and instilling fear.
Beside using Salveo Pharma's products there are of course many other ways in which you yourself can fortify your body or adjust your behaviour to lower the risk of flu exposure. We came up with some quirky but relevant tips and tricks for viewers to get ready and hopefully enjoy a flu-free season.
Salveo Pharma
Creative Skills
Video Editing, Animation, Filming (second camera)
Software Skills
Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects
Tim Aarts
Robin Raynor
Gerben Timmers
Jajke Mertens
Janne Coolen
Salveo Pharma
Creative Skills
Video Editing, Animation, Filming (second camera)
Software Skills
Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects
Tim Aarts
Robin Raynor
Gerben Timmers
Jajke Mertens
Janne Coolen