One of ING Nederland's ongoing goals is to inspire its clients with useful insights, tips, tricks and shared ambitions in assorted topics. Whether it's financial health, art & culture or sustainability, ING cares about getting as many people knowledgeable and involved as possible.
One video format perfectly capable of carrying out this goal is called Verrekijkers (Binoculars). In these videos we ask professional and experience experts to give their view on current and future developments in their respective fields, while simultaneously giving the viewer ways of contributing to various initiatives themselves.
I ended up editing most of the Verrekijkers currently available on ING's YouTube channel. Which frankly was a lot of work, but a lot of fun as well. As a video editor you have a front row seat into these people's personal and professional lives, and I often end up learning a thing or two about a certain topic myself.
Reading up on subjects is part of the job when it comes to editing for various topics. Not only to make sure all information checks out, but also to give myself the opportunity to explain why I chose to use specific takes, and why I arranged them in this particular order during feedback sessions.
Since this was content that was being placed on ING's various social media channels the long-form videos meant for YouTube and Instagram TV weren't very much suited to gain people's interest as they were. By giving the target audience a little taste of what was to come through teasers that had some sort of cliff hanger, we were able to get them interested on their Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn feeds, and then refer them to the ING YouTube channel or ING's IGtv to watch the whole thing.
With a recurring story structure, and by utilising ING's recognisable branding for every new video, we were able to make a wide variety of topics belong together. By using B-roll, different backdrops and a pleasant flow we keep the viewer interested, even if the topic isn't right up their alley. Some of these videos now have well over 30K views. Not bad for long-form content.
ING Nederland
Creative Skills
Concept, Video Editing, Animation, Storytelling
Software Skills
Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects
Robin Raynor
Tim Schellekens
Luuk de Graaf
Niel Heesakkers
Renske van den Bogaard
Jajke Mertens
ING Nederland
Creative Skills
Concept, Video Editing, Animation, Storytelling
Software Skills
Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects
Robin Raynor
Tim Schellekens
Luuk de Graaf
Niel Heesakkers
Renske van den Bogaard
Jajke Mertens